Burberry identifies sustainability as 'golden opportunity' for luxury fashion

Ms Roche said Burberry wishes to be a sustainable fashion bellwether and to this end its target is to be not climate neutral but climate positive by 2040, making it the first luxury brand to set this goal.

Ms Roche said luxury brands can be in the vanguard of the transformation as “their products have longevity and their supply chains are very well established”.

To achieve this, traditional rivalries and commercial instincts must be set aside, she said.

“I think success comes from approaching this not just as individual companies, but also approaching this across the industry and across other industries as well.”

“We’re fashion companies: we compete on product, and we compete on customer service, but we should never compete on planet.”

The unprecedented nature of the task means that companies are learning as they go but Ms Roche said the first hurdle was simply the willingness “to get on the journey” and then share what has worked and what has not.

Source: https://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/fashion/2022/03/31/burberry-identifies-sustainability-as-golden-opportunity-for-luxury-fashion/


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