Why should we Re(define) Fashion?
In the fashion industry, more and more attention is given to the term ‘sustainable fashion’. A thorough explanation of sustainable fashion is essential because there is so much misunderstanding about it.
Sustainable fashion (also known as eco-fashion) is an all-inclusive term describing products, processes, activities, and actors (policymakers, brands, consumers) aiming to achieve a carbon-neutral fashion industry, built on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity.
It’s no secret that the fashion business is wreaking environmental havoc, with its carbon footprint accounting for almost 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
A change is desperately needed, from raising awareness of sustainable fashion methods to actively participating in that transformation.
Fortunately, there are now more ethical brands, clients who opt for sustainable clothing labels, and even a search engine specifically for ethical apparel.
Even if change is already on its way, it moves in a slow pace due to the economical costs that sustainable transformation requires, as well as to the lack of the adequate knowledge, not only by the customers, but by the fashion and textiles workers themselves.
ReFashion project is here to effectively address that lack to the fashion and textiles training system, and raise awareness on the sustainable ways that could be implemented to the process and production phases. The general idea of the proposed project is the creation of a new Vocational Educational Course and a corresponding Professional Skill/Competency profile, in line with ECVET, able to assess, identify and apply sustainable solutions, shape a complete sustainability strategy focused on more sustainable raw materials, sustainable production practices, textiles eco-design, enhancing product durability and life cycle, facilitating the end-of-life management of textile products and implementing circularity practices in fashion and textile industry.
As the project’s implementation progresses, the project partners are engaged in the development of the first project result which will be finalized shortly, the creation of the ReFashion Expert Educational Program, identifying through desk and field research the gaps that exist in the training process in the fashion industry nationally, best practices that might exist, as well as training programs implemented in the partner countries.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000033001